Thursday13 March 2025

Wolf Moon in January: what it signifies and why its name might be a misconception.

The full moon has traditionally held great significance in cultures that used lunar cycles to measure time.
Январская Волчья луна: что она символизирует и почему это название может быть искажением реальности.

The Wolf Moon is the name of the first full moon of the new year, which has its roots in ancient traditions. It is believed that this name was given to the moon because wolves are most active in howling during this season.

The full moon will occur on the night of January 13th to 14th. In general, each full moon in the United States has its own name. They were first published in the "Farmers' Almanac" in the 1930s. At that time, the origins of these names were traced back to Native American, Celtic, and Old English traditions. However, in Native American tribes, lunar names were primarily associated with characteristics of frost and cold, leading to theories that the name might be a fabrication that took hold. Wolves do not howl at the moon, despite popular belief; rather, they communicate over long distances.

Other Names for the Wolf Month

The Arapaho tribe on the plains referred to the moon in January as "when the snow blows like spirits in the wind," while the Haida in Alaska called it "bear hunting." The Celtic name for the full moon is "Stay Home" or "Quiet." For the ancient Germans and Anglo-Saxons, the month was called "Full Moon after Yule," meaning after the holiday.

Several omens are associated with the first full moon of the year:

  • A bright first full moon promises rain and a good harvest, while a red moon signals a dry year.
  • A halo around the moon foretells damp or stormy weather.

Earlier, "Telegraph" published a reminder on how to determine what phase the Moon is in. Gardeners, astrologers, and others often attribute the Earth's satellite with the ability to influence people's lives.