Monday10 February 2025

Chinese scientists set a record by heating plasma to over 100 million degrees. Discover their purpose behind this achievement (video).

The experience of scientists is a crucial step towards the future of energy.
Китайские ученые установили рекорд, разогрев плазму свыше 100 миллионов градусов. Узнайте, для чего это им нужно (видео).

Chinese researchers continue to conduct a variety of unusual experiments. In the quest for cheap energy, scientists in the field of nuclear fusion have achieved a new world record by maintaining plasma that is six times hotter than the Sun for 1066 seconds. The temperature of the plasma exceeded 100 million degrees Celsius. This is a significant step towards the creation of a thermonuclear reactor.

The test was conducted at the EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak) facility at the Hefei Institute of Plasma Physics. This achievement surpassed the previous record of 403 seconds set in April 2023. EAST is part of the Chinese "artificial sun" project, which aims to develop a commercially viable thermonuclear reactor.

According to Gong Xianzu, a senior researcher on the project, three key conditions must be met for the successful implementation of nuclear fusion for energy production:

  • achieve extremely high temperatures,
  • ensure sufficient electron density in the plasma,
  • maintain stable energy output over an extended period.

Despite significant achievements, researchers acknowledge that there is a gap between experimental facilities like EAST and future commercial thermonuclear reactors. This represents an important step towards replicating this natural process on Earth, which could usher in a new era of energy production.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported on the launch of a exascale computer, whose power far exceeds that of conventional PCs by many hundreds of times. It is located in the USA and will be used to study nuclear weapons.