Monday17 February 2025

Viking traces in Ukraine: researchers have uncovered the mystery of the stone disks (photos).

The issue is not completely resolved, as the theory proposed by Ukrainian and Polish scholars has faced criticism.
В Украине обнаружены следы викингов: ученые раскрыли загадку каменных дисков (фото)

Not only do ancient mysteries of distant lands captivate scholars. The stone disks discovered at medieval sites in Rus have sparked a new wave of enthusiasm among researchers.

This is all thanks to the hypothesis presented by Ukrainian scientist Elena Veremeychik and her colleague from Poland Olga Antovskaya-Horanchnyak, who studied the enigmatic pyrophyllite disks from the 12th and 13th centuries. For a long time, these disks remained a mystery due to their unusual design and unknown purpose.

The researchers suggest that these disks may have served as solar compasses—tools used by Vikings for maritime navigation. An analysis of the surfaces of three disks (found in Kyiv, Lisivna, and Lyubech, located in Chernihiv region) revealed their similarities to Viking solar compasses discovered in Greenland and the Baltic region. The described disks particularly resemble Viking solar compasses due to the holes in the center and radial engravings. Temporary markings could have been made on them using chalk or charcoal.

Диск пирофилитового сланца из Любеча Диск пирофилитового сланца из Листвена

Photo credit: Elena Veremeychik

The origin of the materials indicates local production. Further research and archaeological experiments are needed to determine if these stone disks were indeed used for navigation.

Previously, "Telegraf" reported that these are not the only finds linking the Varangians to the territory of modern Ukraine. Among others is the only runic stele in Eastern Europe.