Monday10 February 2025

Loneliness into joy: the story of a spiritual dweller in the Holosiivskyi Forest.

Spiritual Mission: Purpose, Fate, or Simply Destiny?
Одиночество в радость: история духовного обитателя Голосеевского леса.

Spiritual Mission: destiny, fate, or simply chance?

These concepts have accompanied humanity since ancient times. In the pre-philosophical era, people engaged in thought processes mythologically. Myths served as universal explanations for everything—from the change of day and night to the mysteries of birth and death. For the ancient Greeks, fate was embodied in the myth of the Moirai—three women who wove the threads of human destinies. Greeks consulted oracles and seers, receiving the desired, predetermined answers. Buddhism, in turn, spoke of Dharma, the path each person must realize and traverse. Overall, the entire history of reflections on spirituality is a quest for answers to questions about humanity's role in this vast world.


Since then, the interest in understanding one's destiny and mission has not waned; it has evolved. Despite access to rational knowledge, many people continue to grapple with questions about purpose and the meaning of life. The methods of seeking answers to these questions have significantly expanded over the millennia of human existence: some find them in science, others turn to philosophy, while some seek them in religion.

Sergiy Borisov embodies such a path. In 1999, he heard a "voice from the heavens" that directed him to leave his ordinary life and embark on a quest for true essence. Accepting this as a sign of fate, Sergiy arrived in the Holosiivskyi Forest in the early 2000s, where he began to build his hermitage—a place of spiritual strength and solitude. In fact, the hermitage is not Sergiy's permanent residence; it is merely a space for spiritual contemplation.


His journey has been far from typical life scenarios. He felt his difference from others even as a child. Although he was sociable and open in his youth, his inner worldview significantly diverged from that of his peers. It was only later that he began to realize his abilities and yearning for something greater, leading him to re-evaluate his life. The recognition of his uniqueness spurred his search for mission and spiritual development.


The hermitage he has been building for 24 years has become the embodiment of his labor and faith. Sergiy often says that he has invested not just years into it, but a part of his soul. According to him, those years equate to much more, as if each year of life in this place equals five. In this way, he estimates his efforts at 120 years of dedicated work on himself and his spiritual space. His story serves as a reminder of the importance of following one's convictions and seeking meaning in every step.


Today, Sergiy continues his spiritual development, cares for his dogs, nurtures his creation, and enjoys interacting with those who visit his hermitage—whether they are passing travelers or intentional guests.

About Childhood and Awareness

I was born on August 21, 1961, in the town of Rohatyn, home to Roksolana—located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Many in my family were quite public figures—my great-grandmother's son was once the mayor of Rohatyn, and another relative was a sugar factory owner. Thus, I always understood that I stood apart from this environment; I was different.

“Life Before”

However, I did experience ordinary life as well. I studied a small artistic discipline—I received a photographic education. Overall, I had wonderful teachers who taught me to create not just images but to capture souls through the lens. I absorbed some of their mastery, but I decided that my path was not in this direction. Many told me that I buried my talent, but my priority lay elsewhere.

I also had a family and a child, who is now 37 years old. So I went through and tested that life school. Of course, many might say that I should have maintained some celibacy or other rules prescribed for a standard spiritual life. Yet, in reality, a person cannot be perfect, which is what makes them human. Sin is given to humanity so that we do not deceive ourselves into thinking we are absolute and ideal.

“Life After”


At 30, I received my first baptism, and then, by the age of 40, I matured, so to speak. My place of spiritual birth is in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, where the collection of my identity began piece by piece. In 1999, the idea of creating my own hermitage emerged. A voice called to me, telling me to leave everything I had been doing and to seek my soul, something divine. At that moment, I decided to create my hermitage in Brody, but the advice of a priest changed everything. I went to Kyiv to build my sanctuary for communication with God. From that point on, my consciousness has been focused and directed toward this mysterious knowledge.

Seven or perhaps ten years passed, and I filled this desire for search with content.


Here, Sergiy recalls Paulo Coelho's work "The Alchemist," where the protagonist is also in search, striving to grasp the truth and find his "secret path." A seer hints that everything he seeks is close to him, but first, the hero must traverse a long and difficult road to realize this truth. For Sergiy, this story became a metaphor for his own life. Like Coelho's hero, he ventured into the forest in search of meaning, wishing to find answers to the questions that troubled his soul.

The Essence of Solitude


My hermitage was a conscious renunciation of society, and I did not seek companions or brothers, as this was my personal spiritual path. I am not attracted to the idea of idol worship. In my understanding, all people are equal. Thus, in essence, I live somewhat like the quote from the Ukrainian philosopher Hryhorii Skovoroda: “the world caught me, but did not ensnare me.” Ultimately, one can feel lonely even in a crowd. However, if solitude has a sacred meaning, then you cannot be alone, as the divine accompanies you. In fact, finding happiness causes a person to cease being lonely. They become filled with driving energy. However, if a person's work is driven by a desire to please, then such a person is lonely. I believe it is essential to maintain balance—only then can one find oneself.


In reality, I am not devoid of social connections. I organize meetings where I share my ideas and perspectives with those in need. Children also come to me, and I try to impart knowledge that will be useful to them. Currently, meetings occur much less frequently than before. However, I am certainly not lacking connections: both listeners and storytellers often appear in my life.

Building a Cave


In general, for the search for something spiritual, a person needs peace from those things that can disrupt their orientation—television, radio, the internet. Therefore, for the realization of my search, I chose the forest. I began to dig caves because I wanted to be alone with God, and the foundation of this idea I borrowed from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The construction of the caves consumed many resources. Moreover, collapses often occurred. Once, even destruction came at the moment I was inside the cave, but fortunately, a message from above prompted me to leave, and I survived. Unfortunately, the caves have not survived now. After those incidents, I no longer continued digging. Firstly, it is damp underground, which is harmful to health; secondly, collapses or other misfortunes can happen. Thus, I decided to settle above ground—to create a place of spiritual power. Anyone can come to my sanctuary. The area is open and accessible, and I welcome everyone.

The Emergence of a Pack of Dogs


The dogs appeared here one day; I can no longer recall the exact date of their arrival. Initially, there was only one dog and one cat in the hermitage—both had golden-colored fur. Over time, the animals were gone. However, the dog left behind offspring, which I decided to look after. Soon, doghouses appeared near the tents, and I began to feed them. Thus, over time, a whole pack emerged. Not all could be leashed, but I see no necessity in that, as the pack has its leader whom they obey. In fact, the dogs are completely safe as long as they are not provoked.

Period of Illusions and Humility

Of course, there was a certain period when I was caught by what could be called a "temptation," when I thought I was more spiritual than others, more aware, and overall better. However, once I continued working, such thoughts left me in due time. I realized that this unusual structure was merely one result of my personal process and my development, but I was still far from my goal, and thus I did not allow myself to stop. Moreover, comparing myself to anyone else is unnecessary; it only hinders. Each of us has our own life