Monday13 January 2025

A mass child sacrifice site has been discovered in Peru, with researchers uncovering the reasons behind these tragic killings (photo included).

A civilization that sacrificed children existed in Peru before the Incas.
В Перу обнаружили место массового жертвоприношения детей: ученые раскрыли причины их убийства (фото).

Scientists have uncovered one of the secrets of the Chimú civilization. In 2022, a 700-year-old burial mound was discovered in Peru. The mound measured 60 by 20 meters. Inside, researchers found a horrific discovery — 76 children's bodies and two adult bodies, all with their chests cut open. They were sacrificed to the Chimú, who dominated the region from the 12th to the 15th century.

As reported by Live Science, the researchers also found silver and copper squares, ear ornaments, and shells of a special type that were highly valued by this culture. The scientists established that all the children had modified skulls. When they were infants, boards or headbands were tied to them to elongate their skulls. Such modifications were practiced in the Chimú civilization, though not to this extent; they were more characteristic of another culture that lived to the north, in the Lambayeque region.

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The research team conducted isotopic analysis and determined that all these children actually grew up in the Lambayeque region and were not Chimú. It is likely that the children and their families were captured and brought to the burial site in Pampa la Cruz to build irrigation systems. After the irrigation canals were constructed, the children and the two adults were sacrificed — the Chimú believed this would bring fertility to the land. This is the first discovery of a sacrifice in which the Chimú killed non-locals. Scientists will continue excavations and research in Pampa la Cruz to learn more about this pre-Columbian civilization.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that scientists discovered 12 prehistoric statues. They were known as "door guardians" and played an important role in Cambodia.