Friday14 March 2025

It won't get any easier. A powerful magnetic storm has intensified, despite expectations that it would have ended by now.

Throughout the week, inhabitants of Earth should brace for a level 5 magnetic storm.
Ситуация не улучшится: мощная магнитная буря снова активизировалась, хотя ожидалось, что её воздействие скоро прекратится.

A magnetic storm of "red" level, which was expected to subside earlier this week, has resumed its activity. Moreover, the sunspot that created strong flares did not result in any coronal mass ejection (CME) into space that could affect the Earth's magnetic field.

According to the forecast from Meteoagent, which bases its predictions on satellite systems from NOAA, TESIS, and international meteorological laboratories worldwide, as of January 8, a strong magnetic storm rated at 5 is affecting Earth. By January 9, its intensity will decrease, leading to a state of geomagnetic "calm".

No fluctuations exceeding 4 points are expected from January 10 to 12.

At the same time, since January 3, the solar spot AR3947 has triggered three X-class flares and dozens of M-class solar flares. Scientists from the space weather research site Spaceweather explained that this activity has not resulted in any significant CME.

"Flares and CME are two different aspects of solar spot explosions, and they do not always occur simultaneously. Dozens of flares with zero CME are somewhat unusual, but not unprecedented. However, the opposite can also happen, where AR3947 might suddenly start producing CME without significant flares," the astro-meteorologists added.

Let us remind you that earlier, "Telegraph" reported on when frost and snow would return to Ukraine.