Monday17 February 2025

A palm-sized cat lived in China; scientists discovered its remains in a cave once inhabited by humans (photo included).

The miniature cat from China is the smallest known member of the feline family.
Ученые обнаружили останки кота размером с ладонь в пещере в Китае, где когда-то обитали люди (фото).

Asia holds many mysteries. Recently, scientists discovered a new species of moray eel inhabiting cave rivers. Now, they have found fossil remains of a previously unknown species of cat.

Chinese researchers uncovered in the Hualongdong cave the remains of the smallest cat that lived around 300,000 years ago. The new species has been named Prionailurus kurteni and belongs to the genus of leopard cats, which still exist in South Asia.

Так могла выглядеть Prionailurus kurteni

This "pocket-sized kitty" could fit in the palm of your hand, measuring between 35-50 cm (including the tail) and weighing about 1 kg. Its fossils were preserved due to the protected environment of the cave, which is a rare find for this kind, as their remains typically deteriorate quickly in forested areas.

Researchers reconstructed the size of the animal from a fragment of its lower jaw with two teeth. It's possible that this miniature cat entered the cave while hunting for rodents that fed on leftover food from the first inhabitants of the area.

Prionailurus kurteni

Prionailurus kurteni has become another member of the leopard cat family, which today has five extant species. This discovery aids in understanding the evolution and diversity of this genus in the past.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that in Ukraine, a rare species of wild cats is disappearing. Also among the candidates for extinction is one of the species of hedgehogs.