Wednesday22 January 2025

What will people look like in 30 years? An AI-generated video reveals a surprisingly unsettling vision of the future.

The image turned out to be quite unappealing and unhealthy.
Как изменятся люди через 30 лет? Видео от ИИ вызывает неприятные эмоции и удивление.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly spreading and even learning to mimic humans. Often, AI is utilized to create realistic videos or images based on specified parameters.

British advocates of healthy eating have used artificial intelligence to create a probable image of a person in 2055, assuming that a large portion of the diet remains unhealthy and consists of ultra-processed foods. This image has been named "Michael." He is hunched over, has acne on his face, yellow eyes, and swelling, and is holding an inhaler. His protruding belly and double chin are also noticeable. The study indicates that legs will swell, ache, and the skin will develop sores and wrinkles.

Люди в 2055 могут выглядеть так

The British are understandably concerned about this issue, as they rank second in the world after the USA for the consumption of ultra-processed foods. A surge in type 2 diabetes, asthma, and an increase in fat deposits around the liver and in the abdominal cavity are expected by 2055. Other adverse effects include stress, fatigue, and skin itching. The organizers are trying to encourage people to eat more whole foods such as grains, fruits, and vegetables.

For Reference

Ultra-processed foods include snacks, crackers, flavored salted nuts, energy bars, sweet juice, soda, energy drinks, fast food, industrial sweets, ice cream, sausages and deli meats, ready-made meals, canned meats, breakfast cereals, instant food, sauces, and vacuum-packed dishes.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported on how artificial intelligence was given a chance to shoot from a machine gun. It followed human instructions.