Wednesday12 March 2025

These cute fluffballs were nearly wiped out. Where can you find them in Ukraine today?

This fluffy animal, which changes the color of its fur with the seasons, is not only a symbol of purity and elegance but also plays a crucial role in regulating rodent populations within the ecosystem.
Эти очаровательные пушистики едва не исчезли: где можно их встретить в Украине сегодня?

The stoat is a small yet fascinating predator belonging to the weasel family. This animal is renowned for its beautiful fur, which changes color with the seasons: in summer, the stoat has brown fur, while in winter it turns white, allowing it to blend in with the snow.

In Ukraine, stoats are protected by the state and listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Hunting is prohibited, even for research purposes. The main threats to stoats are the reduction of their natural habitat due to human activities and fluctuations in the populations of their primary prey—rodents.

Description and Features

The stoat (Mustela erminea) has a body length ranging from 17 to 30 cm and weighs approximately 110 to 260 grams. Its fur is dense and short, featuring a black tip on the tail, which is a distinguishing characteristic of this species. Stoats have become agile hunters, preying on small rodents, birds, and even pursuing their prey underground. They are primarily nocturnal but can also hunt during the day, especially in winter.

Stoats possess a high metabolic rate and need to feed every 2-3 hours. In times of food scarcity, they can migrate over long distances in search of sustenance. In winter, a stoat can cover up to 3 km per day, while in summer, it can travel up to 15 km. These animals can eliminate more rodents than they can consume, creating reserves in case of hunger. They are also known for their ability to dig snow tunnels for hunting and shelter from the cold.

Here is a list of key reserves where they can be found:

  • Kaniv Nature Reserve (Cherkasy region);
  • Rivne Nature Reserve (Rivne region);
  • Dnipro-Oril Nature Reserve (Dnipropetrovsk region);
  • Uholsko-Shyrokoluzhansky Nature Reserve (part of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, located within the Tiachiv district of the Transcarpathian region);
  • Drevlyansky Nature Reserve (Zhytomyr region);
  • Cheremsky Nature Reserve (Volyn region);
  • Rastochye Nature Reserve (Lviv region);
  • Danube Biosphere Reserve (Odesa region).

Stoats have fallen victim to the fashion industry due to their valuable fur. It is used to make coats and other products, making the stoat a target for hunters. The fur of the winter stoat is considered one of the most expensive in the world.

Cultural Significance

The stoat holds symbolic meaning in many cultures. The white stoat with a black-tipped tail has become a symbol of purity and royal authority. Its image has often been used to adorn the mantles of monarchs.

However, the stoat is not only an aesthetically appealing animal but also an important element of the ecosystem that deserves our attention and protection. They play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations, such as mice and voles, making them beneficial for agriculture.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported on why bison have disappeared from the wild in Ukraine and in which regions they are currently most numerous.