Thursday13 March 2025

We may no longer see these hedgehogs: another animal species is disappearing in Ukraine.

These adorable creatures with large ears serve as important indicators of the health of grassland ecosystems.
Этих ежиков мы больше не увидим: в Украине исчезает еще один вид животных.

The Long-eared Hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) is one of the two species of hedgehogs found in Ukraine. This species is classified as endangered.

Experts estimate that its population in Ukraine does not exceed a few dozen individuals. The first representatives of this genus were discovered in North America, with their remains dating back approximately 52 million years. This species was first described in 1770 by the German naturalist Samuel Georg Gottlieb Gmelin.

Long-eared hedgehogs are primarily crepuscular and nocturnal, capable of traveling up to 9 km in a night in search of food. They typically inhabit steppe and semi-desert ecosystems, which are rapidly degrading due to human activity.

Range and Population

The Long-eared Hedgehog is distributed across the steppes and semi-deserts of Eurasia, including southeastern Europe and Central Asia. In Ukraine, it has been recorded only in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, with only one confirmed sighting in the vicinity of Luhansk over the past 20 years. The main causes of the decline in this species' population are habitat degradation, the planting of monocultures in the steppes, as well as predation pressure and poaching.

Biological Features

The Long-eared Hedgehog is characterized by its large ears, which can reach lengths of up to 6 cm. These ears serve not only an aesthetic purpose but also as an important adaptive mechanism: they help the hedgehog regulate its body temperature, as they contain a dense network of capillaries. Adult individuals measure between 13 and 26 cm in body length and weigh between 200 and 500 g.


They lead an active lifestyle, using burrows and piles of brush for shelter. This species undergoes a hibernation period from late October to mid-March, and mating occurs in April.

These hedgehogs are omnivorous, feeding on insects, invertebrates, small rodents, and even vegetation. Long-eared hedgehogs play a crucial role in controlling insect population numbers, making them beneficial for the ecosystem.


Threats and Conservation

The main threats to the Long-eared Hedgehog include the degradation of steppe ecosystems due to intensive land use, as well as recreational pressure on natural areas. Conservation efforts for this species involve the establishment of reserves and reintroduction into its historical range. Although hedgehogs breed well in captivity, their survival in the wild remains at risk.


The Long-eared Hedgehog has become an important indicator of the health of steppe ecosystems in Ukraine. If you happen to encounter this charming creature, know that you are witnessing a rare phenomenon that requires our attention and protection.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that another unique species is disappearing in Ukraine. These are forest cats, which differ from domestic cats by their larger size.