Thursday13 March 2025

Black cats and white elephants: myths and superstitions that have real-world effects.

The black coloration in animals is a mutation known as melanism, which occurs less frequently than albinism.
Черные коты и белые слоны: мифы и предрассудки с реальными последствиями.

Throughout thousands of years of history, legends and myths have helped people explain the world around them. They not only entertained but also served an important purpose — warning against dangers, teaching, and passing on knowledge.

However, these stories also shaped biases that could persist for centuries. Many of these biases have evolutionary roots: for instance, the fear of nocturnal dark-colored predators that are hard to see in the dark. Over time, though, human prejudices began to be based on harmful ideologies. Yes, the color white became associated with "goodness" and "purity," while black became linked to "evil" and "impurity."

This symbolism has even influenced our attitudes toward animals. Black cats, for example, are often associated with aggression and misfortune. Consequently, they find new homes less frequently compared to cats of other colors. However, such beliefs lack scientific foundation.

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In contrast to black animals, white ones are often preferred for protection. In some states of the USA, white albino deer are prohibited from being hunted, white squirrels are protected, and hunting a white alligator can result in a $10,000 fine. There are no such prohibitions concerning black animals.

White elephants in Indian culture, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, are regarded as sacred symbols of divinity, wisdom, and royal authority. In Hindu mythology, the pure white elephant is closely associated with Indra, the king of the gods. In Buddhism, especially in Southeast Asian cultures, white elephants are considered sacred and connected to royal lineage and divine favor.

Белый слон

Being entirely black or white is an evolutionary rarity that often represents a disadvantage. Such animals stand out in their environments, making survival difficult: predators find it harder to remain unnoticed, while prey struggle to hide. Additionally, monochromatic individuals may face challenges related to thermoregulation and communication within their groups.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that besides albinism, there is another mutation related to white coloration. In leucism, the eyes are of normal color, as seen in a rare shark caught off the coast of Albania.