Monday10 February 2025

Without vibrations and phone notifications, battery life will last longer.

Three essential methods for conserving energy charge.
Без вибраций и уведомлений на телефоне заряд батареи продержится дольше.

Many smartphone users are aware that turning off Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC, and Bluetooth after use can significantly reduce energy consumption. However, there are other phone features that can help save battery life. "Telegraf" has compiled popular tips for users.

Disable Home Screen Widgets and Live Wallpapers

Home screen widgets on smartphones enhance usability, but they negatively impact battery life. The widget feature consumes more RAM, and background processes accelerate battery drain. Live wallpapers also deplete battery life as they keep the screen active. The best option for energy saving is black wallpapers.

Turn off Vibration

Using vibration on your phone requires more energy than making a call. Therefore, if it’s not necessary, turn it off, at least in response to touch.

Opinions on Push Notifications are Divided

Some portals recommend avoiding pop-up windows on the screen, as they cause your display to light up with each notification. Others remind that notifications on the lock screen allow for quick viewing of alerts without turning on the entire screen. The best approach is to keep only the necessary notifications.

Previously, "Telegraf" discussed where and how to charge your smartphone when there is no electricity. These methods are available, and some are even free.