Sunday23 February 2025

A 30-million-year-old predator fossil has been discovered in Egypt (photos and videos available).

This predator ruled Africa long before the arrival of lions.
В Египте найдена 30-миллионная окаменелость хищника (фото, видео).

Scientists are discovering not only fungi that can turn creatures into zombies, but also new types of predators. However, these lived millions of years ago.

A rare fossil, found in Egypt's Fayum desert, has allowed researchers to identify a new species of predator that dates back approximately 30 million years. Bastetodon, a member of the extinct group of hyenodonts, dominated African ecosystems long before the emergence of modern carnivorous animals such as lions and hyenas.

Bastetodon реконструкция

This predator, about the size of a leopard, possessed powerful jaw muscles and sharp teeth, indicating its ability to hunt primates, early hippos, elephants, and hyraxes in an area that was once a dense forest.

The fossil was discovered by chance—a research team led by Sharuk Al-Ashkar was wrapping up their work in the area when a team member noticed a set of large teeth protruding from the ground. The name Bastetodon is derived from the ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet, symbolizing protection and strength. 120 years ago, researchers identified another extinct genus in this area—Sekhmetops, named after the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet.

Earlier, "Telegraph" reported that scientists were smelling mummies. This is not for entertainment, but for scientific purposes.