Monday10 March 2025

A toilet helped researchers discover the palace of England's last Anglo-Saxon king. (photo)

Perhaps it was in this very place that he found his final rest.
Туалет стал ключом для ученых в поисках дворца последнего англосаксонского короля Англии (фото)

Archaeologists have discovered the site of the long-lost palace of the last Anglo-Saxon King of England — Harold II. This breakthrough was made possible through a combination of ground-penetrating radar scanning, archaeological excavation data, and analysis of 11th-century artistic sources.

Its remnants are located near the village of Bosham in West Sussex. Researchers have confirmed the existence of two previously unnoticed medieval structures. One is partially integrated into a modern building, while the other is situated within the garden area.

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A key piece of evidence for the ancient origins of the complex came from the 2006 excavations, which uncovered a cesspit that belonged to a large wooden structure. In recent decades, archaeologists have increasingly noted that starting from the 10th century, elite residential buildings in England often featured integrated toilets — a sign of high social status.

Thus, the presence of this cesspit indicates that the wooden structure was part of a high-ranking residence. Archaeologists have concluded that it almost certainly belonged to the complex associated with King Harold II's residence, depicted in the famous Bayeux Tapestry.

Гобелен из Байе

The palace complex covered an area of about one hectare and included several buildings, including a large wooden hall. It was located near a harbor and a church, surrounded by a moat that was 250 meters long and 3 meters wide.

This discovery could also shed light on the question of Harold's burial site — the only English monarch whose final resting place has yet to be determined. While it is traditionally believed that the king was buried at Waltham Abbey in Essex, some medieval sources hint at the possibility of burial near his palace. In 1954, remains of a high-ranking Anglo-Saxon man were discovered beneath the church in Bosham, but they have never been examined.

Previously, the "Telegraph" reported another fact from British history. During the Celtic period, there existed a tribe led by women.