Friday07 March 2025

Is your phone overheating? It’s crucial to address this issue immediately.

Excessive phone usage is a common cause of overheating.
Телефон перегревается? Необходимо срочно принять меры!

Not only frost is harmful to your phone, but overheating can be detrimental as well. This can occur due to both external and internal factors.

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can irreparably damage your device. How can you prevent this? There are a few simple rules to follow.

Remove the case

If your smartphone is in a case, take it off, at least for a while.

Take the phone out of your pocket

If possible, avoid keeping your phone in your pocket when it’s hot outside or in a warm environment. If you keep it in your pocket, it will be close to your skin, absorbing a lot of body heat.

Adjust the settings

The higher the brightness, the more battery is consumed, so this is the first setting you should lower to a minimum. Turning off the internet can also help reduce battery usage. If possible, switch it to airplane mode for a while.

To avoid overheating, turn off the device.

The simplest way to cool down your device is to turn it off. Avoid using external coolers and especially refrain from placing your phone in the refrigerator – this could cause irreversible damage.

Previously, "Telegraph" discussed what to do with a phone that fell into the snow. Proper actions can protect it from excessive damage.