Monday10 March 2025

The Last Forest Giants: Why Bison Have Disappeared from the Wild in Ukraine

Poaching and the destruction of their natural habitat continue to pose a threat to their survival.
Последние гиганты лесов: причины исчезновения зубров из дикой природы Украины.

European bison, or wisents, are majestic creatures that once thrived in the forests of Ukraine. However, due to excessive hunting and habitat destruction, their population has significantly declined.

Wisents live in small herds consisting of 3 to 20 individuals, usually led by a female. In a single day, one bison can consume up to 40-60 kg of vegetation and drink as much as 50 liters of water.

These animals are capable of jumping over obstacles as high as 2 meters, and there have been instances where male bison weighed over 1200 kg. Unfortunately, these animals have disappeared from the wild, and today they can only be seen in specialized farms and reserves.

History of Wisents in Ukraine

Wisents were widespread across Europe, including the territory of modern Ukraine. The last wild wisents in Ukraine were exterminated in the 1920s. Only due to restoration efforts that began in the 20th century have these animals started to return to Ukrainian forests. Several successful programs for the recovery of the wisent population already exist in Ukraine, particularly in the Vinnytsia region, where they have been bred since 1979.

Current Population Status

Today, the number of wisents in Ukraine is gradually recovering, but they still remain at risk. According to the latest data, the largest population of wisents resides in the forests of the Vinnytsia and Lviv regions, where more than 110 and 121 individuals have been counted, respectively. However, poaching and habitat destruction continue to pose serious threats to these animals.

Protection of Wisents

Wisents are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and other international conservation lists. The Ministry of Ecology of Ukraine has approved an action plan for the conservation and reproduction of the wisent, which includes collaboration with public environmental organizations and scientists. However, cases of illegal hunting of wisents are often not investigated.

Importance of Conservation

Conserving wisents is crucial not only for biodiversity but also for maintaining Ukraine's natural heritage. These animals symbolize the conservation movement and demonstrate that even the most challenging ecological issues can be overcome through collective efforts. To ensure the future of wisents, it is essential to continue conservation activities and raise public awareness about the need for their protection.

Wisents are not only a part of our natural heritage but also an important element of the ecosystem. Their restoration in Ukraine serves as an example of how humanity can correct its mistakes and revive species that are on the brink of extinction.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that another animal species is disappearing in Ukraine. This means that we might no longer see these hedgehogs.